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hydroinformatics, data science, modelling and optimisation for climate-resilient water management

Read our vision

A selection of leading organisations that trust HydroLogic:

HydroLogic has over 20 years of experience in consultancy, research and product development. It is our mission to empower water managers with smart solutions and provide reliable data, simulation models, hydrology tools, user-friendly software and in-depth water knowledge to help them with their water safety and water security tasks.

Our focus: smart solutions for urban and rural water, operational water management, real-time control, water distribution and irrigation, nature-based solutions, fluvial and pluvial flood simulation and forecasting.

We are passionate about climate, weather and water and we care about our living environment. To our believe advances in ICT and big-data analytics help achieving worldwide water and food security. Our contribution to solving water challenges is by providing the HydroNET platform and online hydrology tools to minimise flood and drought damage and reduce human casualties and despair resulting from natural hazards.

Reasons to partner with us:

  • SME company: 40 research-oriented hydroinformatics professionals

  • Dozens of R&D projects for the European Commission and the European Space Agency (ESA)

  • HydroNET platform provider: open water platform for water professionals

  • Best partnering company 2017 (Partners for Water award)

  • Award-winning co-creation business model

  • User community: 12 countries, >8000 unique users

  • Experts in citizen science

  • Turning data into profitable solutions

  • Over 20 years of Dutch water management experience 

  • Trusted partner in many consortia

  • 34 partner organisations

Experts in: hydroinformatics, rainfall monitoring, hydrological modelling, water auditing, water stress analysis, flood-risk mapping and flood forecasting


Water problems on a global scale

Climate change results in more extreme weather events with a huge influence on water management in our urban and rural environments. The effects of extreme weather are considerable all over the world. Some regions face long-lasting droughts with devastating effects on agricultural practises: harvest losses and sometimes also loss of vegetation. Other regions of the world face excessive rainfall and floods. Some of these events result from atmospheric changes such as stronger meandering of jet-streams and more stable high and low-pressure weather systems than before.

Water management becomes more difficult as the number of extremes increase as well as their extents. In addition to this problem, the world population and the number of people depending on good-quality water and good water management are increasing considerably. For instance on the African continent, with its current 1 billion inhabitants, the population is expected to double in only a few decades. All these people need access to good-quality water, they need to be protected from floods and droughts, and they need food. Some of these necessities, and in many regions all of these, are lacking. This has been a driving factor for large groups of people to flee and move in Africa and the Middle East and we can expect their numbers to grow soon.

The need for hydrology tools

Our vision

All the present-day water problems are very difficult to analyse, research and quantify without proper historical time-series data sets. Furthermore, short and long-term predictions are difficult to produce without insight in geographical distribution of the problem, monitoring data and operational forecasting information.

Fortunately, we have an incredible amount of hydrologic and atmospheric data sets available these days, ranging from local rainfall monitoring data and water levels, to frequent radar and satellite-based observations of the atmosphere and the earth. In addition, our current mobile devices, social media and citizen observatory apps, help to harvest unprecedented information-rich data, also called big-data. Atmospheric and water-system modelling provides also large data sets which allow us to make predictions of e.g. water levels on the short and long term. All these data sets have proven to be extremely useful for operational water management, and making them easily accessible, is a huge step forward to support e.g.: water-system analysis, hydrological modelling, water-level prediction and flood scenario analysis.

We have a wealth of hydroinformatics technologies available to use these big-data sets and create information from them for long-term strategic water management e.g. to analyse climate-change effects. Many of these technologies use models which we first apply to try and correctly simulate the known past. If we have trained the models, using calibration and optimisation techniques, we implement them to predict what may happen in the near future and on longer time scales, such as determining the local effects of global climate change.

ICT solutions for water problems

Dealing with huge data sets is a challenge and this is where our hard-core ICT expertise comes in. Managing and accessing data sets of e.g. water satellite data, radar data and in-situ monitoring networks, is a challenge because of their complexity and size, which reach up to tenths of terabytes. When we have created access to the data, our models – often running in ensemble mode with hundreds of parallel computing instances – need to process and store terabytes of data. Thanks to our hydrology tools and own HydroNET platform: no problem for us!

Finally, creating easy-to-understand user interfaces is the last, but very important step to support operational water managers and water researchers in their day-to-day jobs. All these functions are fulfilled by our HydroNET Water Control Room.




Years of experience


HydroNET users








Water boards



A selection of academic partners:

A selection of project partners:

Want to learn more about our research, innovations and projects?
Get in touch with us.

  • Leanne Reichard

    Business Director
  • Arnold Lobbrecht MSc PhD

    Consultant Hydroinformatics
  • Marcel Alderlieste

  • Ruben Boelens

    Consultant Hydrology